Sample Prayers Connected to Bible Studies
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Day 152 Dear Father in heaven, may your wonderful name be praised! You are a good God and hold the keys to our happiness through a relationship with you. May your kingdom come. May others seek to be a part of it, as we reverence you and testify of you. May your will be done in our lives as we week to obey your Word.
Father, please meet our needs today. You know what they are as we take a moment now to share them...
Please forgive us for seeking other ways of happiness than loving you and obeying your Word. Your Word provides light on how we are, how to improve ourselves, and how to live pleasing to you.
As we have been forgiven by you, help us to forgive others who hurt us and not keep a record of their wrongs.
May we not be deceived by the world and the devil. There ideas do not bring us ultimate happiness but slavery to debt. We pray to live to the praise of your glory. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen
Day 153
Day 154
Day 155
Dear Father in heaven, you are most gracious, and any blessing that we gain in this life is because you are the giver. Thank you in particular, for what you've done. May others see this and be drawn into your kingdom. Lord, please meet our daily needs, and please forgive us for any ingratitude. Help us to forgive others in the same way as you have forgiven us.Lead us away from the temptation of pride and doing evil.May we live for your glory and praise. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Day 156
Day 157
Day 158
Dear Father in heaven, you are our creator, and only when we live for you can we find peace and satisfaction, for we were made in your image and likeness.
Help us remember to be good listeners so we can direct others into your kingdom. It’s your will that many be saved from their hopelessness.
Please provide for our needs and especially a heart of compassion for the lost. Give us genuine concern and care for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
Forgives us for adopting the thinking and ways of the world, for they are useless and destructive. Help us to also forgive others who offend us.
Lead us from the temptation to chase worthless pursuits. For your glory we pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Day 159
Dear Father in heaven, you are eternal and timeless, holy and righteous. You want us to spend our time wisely, seeking and building the kingdom of God. Give us our daily bread of encouragement that what we do in your name matters. Forgive us for wasting time on things that don’t matter, and help us forgive others who will not take the time for us or even care about our souls. Lead me away from holding things against them. For your glory, I pray, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Day 160
Dear Father in heaven, you are holy, and yet you offer us an eternal destiny through belief and acceptance of Christ’s death on the cross in full payment for our sins. Convict us with your Spirit to share this message so others may also come into your kingdom. Complete your will on earth as it is in heaven. Please provide for our daily needs as a testimony of your grace and provision for those who love you. Forgive our sins as we forgive others. Lead us away from the temptation to live for ourselves and compromise with evil, forgetting our eternal destiny. In all things, may we do them for your glory and praise. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.
Day 161
Dear Father, you are eternally holy. We pray that we will live our lives in the light of your coming kingdom and seek to do your will. May we be a reflection of your light to draw others into your kingdom.
Please provide for our specific daily needs so we will rely on you. May we be thankful, using whatever opportunities you give for your honor and glory. Forgive us for the times we have failed in not using them for your name but thinking only of ourselves.
Help us also to forgive others who fail us.
Lead us away from the temptation to lead selfish lives and seek our own glory. We pray these things in the name of your Son, Jesus, Amen.
Day 162
Dear Father in heaven, you are righteous in everything you do. Praise your name. Thank you for the example of servant leadership from your Son Jesus; he sought to do your will and made himself a servant instead of making himself king.
May your will be done in our lives. May we listen to the promptings of your Spirit, so we are motivated to obey your Word and serve you.
Please provide our particular emotional, spiritual, and physical needs for our daily bread.
Forgive our sins of selfishness, and may we be gracious to forgive others for theirs.
Lead us from the temptation to seek greatness for ourselves but be motivated to fulfill your will. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
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