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Sample Prayers Connected to Bible Studies

Days 190-199

Day 190

Day 191

Day 192

Day 193

Day 194

Day 195

Day 196

Day 197

Day 198

Day 199

Dear Father in heaven, may your name be lifted up for you are God alone and able to save us.

I pray I will witness of your mighty wisdom and power. You are able to do all things. I pray I will testify of your great deeds so others will be drawn into your kingdom and experience salvation.

Forgive me for not testifying, and give me couraged not to preach but to proclaim your words and deeds.

Help me to forgive others who hurt me when I share the message of hope.

When we're truly sorry for our sins, please forgive and restore us.

Lead me away from the temptation to be a blending comfortable camilion. May all I do be for your honor and glory. In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen