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Sample Prayers Connected to Bible Studies

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Sample Prayers, Days 350-359

Day 350

Day 350

Day 351

Day 352

Day 353

Day 354

Day 355

Day 356

Day 357

Day 358

Day 359

Dear Father, you are the source of ultimate joy. You mercifully, and graciously sent your Son to this earth to die for our sins so we could have everlasting spiritual life and peace. Thank you. We look forward to Jesus' return, and in the meantime, I pray we will witness of his great sacrifice for us so others may join us in your kingdom.

Give us joy this Christmas and always as we obey you. May you be our daily bread. Provide our physical, emotional, and spiritual needs today.

Forgive us of the particular sins we pause to confess right now, and help us to forgive all the hurt and pain that others have put on us. Help us to forgive as you have forgiven us. We want to walk in fellowship and joy. Lead us away from the temptation for revenge or to wallow in bitterness.

May walking in the truth of your Word and the fellowship of others give us joy today. In Jesus' glorious name, we pray. Amen.

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