man giving a defense Day 344, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Acts 23:12–26:32

How To Respond To Unfair Treatment; Presenting a Defense

What actions make us feel like we are being unjustly treated?

•  Being accused of something we didn't do?

•  Innocent, but being hurt by gossip or slander?

•  Being cheated?

•  Meanness or bullying?

Typical responses or attitudes to unfair treatment are anger, bitterness, revenge, and self-pity. Today, we'll look at what the Apostle Paul did when he was unfairly treated. His defense provides an example for us to follow.

In today's Bible reading, Paul is in Jerusalem. He came to bring a contribution to the poor, which he collected from the churches in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) during his third missionary journey.


While he is in Jerusalem, some Jews from Asia Minor come up for the Feast of Pentecost to worship. When they recognize Paul and his companions, they stir up the Jews against them. Paul is accused of bringing a Gentile (a non-Jewish person) into the temple, so he is dragged out of it, and they try to kill him. After a couple of failed attempts on Paul's life, the Roman commander in Jerusalem orders 200 soldiers, 70 horsemen, and 200 spearmen to safely escort him to Caesarea. There, he might get a fair trial. That's a lot of protection! God foiled the plot of the Jews and protected his servant.

False Accusations

After five days, some Jewish leaders and a lawyer named Tertullus travel to Caesarea to persuade Governor Felix to condemn Paul. Tertullus accuses Paul of being a troublemaker and stirring up the Jewish people around the world. The Romans like order; they wouldn't like to hear this. Tertullus also accuses Paul of being a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes. Rome doesn't like new religions, and the Nazarenes have a terrible reputation. Last, he accuses Paul of trying to desecrate the temple. This is a religious offense, punishable by death.


How does Paul answer these charges? Does he express outrage, bitterness, revenge, or self-pity? No, Paul responds with respect. He maintains his integrity, and with composure he gives a defense. Then, he welcomes Governor Felix to check out the validity of his story.

Paul didn't have time to cause a riot—he was only there for twelve days, and his activities were closely monitored. His accusers couldn't prove their charges, and the ones from Asia Minor who started these accusations were notably absent.

It's best to remain calm and clearly explain our actions with respect when we're defending ourselves.

In Paul's defense, he highlights points of agreement between him and his adversaries. He agrees with the Pharisees about everything written in the Law and the Prophets (Acts 24:14). The Pharisees and Paul also share the same confidence of a future resurrection for the righteous and the wicked. “In view of this, [Paul says] I also do my best to maintain always a blameless conscience both before God and before men” (Acts 24:15-16, NIV).

When responding to injustice, we can agree with our adversaries when what is said is the truth. However, we need to be blameless and present our defense with humility without hostility.

Paul continues his defense by laying out the entire story honestly and forthrightly. An honest testimony is believable and engenders respect.

Why is Paul really on trial? He says to Governor Felix, “For the resurrection of the dead I am on trial before you today” (Acts 24:21, NIV). Most of the Sanhedrin are Sadducees, who don't believe in the resurrection (that is why they are sad, you see). However, neither the Pharisees nor the Sadducees want Paul to preach Jesus being resurrected from the dead. They don't want Jesus accepted as the Messiah, nor do they want Gentiles in their religion. They think if they accept Jesus or the Gentiles, they'll pollute their faith and lose their place of prestige in the Jewish community and the Roman world.

If we can, it's good to identify the issue—what's the truth?

Felix hopes to profit from Paul's imprisonment, but it never materializes. As a governor, Felix has a reputation for being cruel. Although Felix knows Paul doesn't deserve imprisonment, he keeps him locked up for two more years to please the Jews.

Sometimes, we need to be patient while God is working.

Governor Festus succeeds Governor Felix. Little is known of Governor Festus, but he has a reputation for fairness. Knowing the volatile situation between Paul and the Jews, Festus goes to Jerusalem to hear the case from their perspective. Even after Paul's two-year imprisonment, the Jews still hold a grudge against him and want to kill him. Festus invites the Jewish leaders to Caesarea for another trial.

At the trial in Caesarea, Festus attempts to please the Jews—he asks Paul if he wants to return to Jerusalem to be tried there, instead. The Jews want the apostle to appear there because they are planning an ambush to kill him. Paul knows of their actual intent and makes his appeal to be tried in Caesar's court. In today's world, his appeal could be likened to someone appealing to the Supreme Court. Because he appeals to Caesar, he'll be sent to Rome, the place of Caesar's throne.

From Paul's example, we can learn to be wise in our defense.

King Agrippa II ruled in north-east Palestine, but he and his sister Bernice now visit Festus. Meanwhile, the Apostle Paul awaits transport as a prisoner to Rome. Governor Festus knows Paul has done nothing worthy of death. Festus seeks King Agrippa's perspective to build a legal case against Paul for Caesar.

Paul shares his conversion testimony

Before King Agrippa and Governor Festus, the Apostle Paul once more gives his defense. However, instead of defending his actions, Paul gives the testimony of his conversion from being a zealous Pharisee to becoming a Christian. Seeking to take advantage of God's opportunity, he tries to persuade Festus and King Agrippa to become Christians. Although this doesn't work, they conclude, saying, “This man is not doing anything that deserves death or imprisonment.” Agrippa said to Festus, “This man could have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar” (Acts 26:31-32, NIV).

In the end, God uses the unfair treatment of Paul and the court trials to allow him to give a reasonable defense and testimony of his faith and actions. It'll also provide him with an all-expense-paid trip to Rome. He won't go first-class, however—They will take him as a prisoner!

The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the N.T. edited by Walvoord and Zuck, © 1985, p.422


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Looking Ahead: Paul's life was not always easy, as it's not always easy for us. How do we Navigate the Storms of Life? Find out in our Next Lesson.

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