boy giving dog a bath Day 53, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Leviticus 17–20

Staying Clean; a Practical Guide to Holiness

Dogs seem impossible to keep clean, and we may feel that way about children. In vain, we instruct them, “Don't get your clothes dirty,” or “Don't get any grass stains on those new jeans!” We want them to stay clean. If we have teenage children or minister to them, we may tell them to make good friends and not get into trouble or violate their curfew.

As Christian adults, God also wants us to stay clean because we can get into a morass of problems. We may return to a sinful lifestyle from which we were saved, make unhealthy choices, or return to an addiction.

What can we do to stay clean? We can establish godly habits like Bible reading, prayer, going to church or other worship services, and ministering to others. We can find better places to spend our time and make sure our good friends are committed Christians. It's also an excellent idea to have accountability partners. They can listen and keep us on the straight and narrow path of righteousness. We can avoid slipping into destructive and abusive behaviors with these new habits. Then we can experience the continual blessing of the Lord. What else can we do to stay clean?

In today's Bible reading, the LORD gives specific and practical details in a covenant he made with his people, the Israelites. There are many stipulations: a long list of dos and don'ts to stay clean or holy. It may seem old-fashioned in our day, but signing a commitment paper to refrain from doing some things but doing other things for the glory of the LORD is an excellent way to help us stay spiritually clean. Many people don't like to make commitments, but Biblical agreements are pleasing to God. What does the LORD require of Israel? What is acceptable to him?

God wants to be worshipped as the one and only God

Israel's people carried remnants of their old sinful culture with them when God delivered them from Egypt. Instead of bringing their oxen, lambs, and goats to the tabernacle for sacrifice, they were sacrificing them in the fields to a devilish goat idol! (Leviticus 17:7). Therefore, God tells them to bring all their offerings to the tabernacle to worship only him. If they don’t do it, they will be cut off from the assembly of Israel. Scholars are not clear about what this means, but they think it means they will have to leave the camp (17:9) or face capital punishment.

Have we spent our resources on sinful things? Now, we can use them for God's glory! After providing for the family God gave us, we can help others in need. Or, we can provide additional offerings to our church or donations to other Christian charities. It can be fun to see and experience what God does with our resources.

God wants the Israelites to respect life

He appoints the blood of acceptable domesticated animals to make amends for the Israelites. They are substitutions to pay for the sins of the people. Therefore, since the animal's blood gives it life, it's not to be eaten. If any wild animal is hunted for food, they're to drain the blood and cover it with earth before the animal is cooked and consumed. If they don't obey this directive, again, they face the penalty of being cut off.

In the New Testament time of Jesus, he is crucified on a cross as a sacrifice for all people (1Corinthians 11:23-29). We should have great respect for the blood of Christ—he bled to atone (make amends) for our sins. He offers us forgiveness, peace, and spiritual life (Hebrews 9:11-14).

God wants his people to behave with respect and sexual purity

They're not to act like the Egyptians or Canaanites (Leviticus 18:2-5, NIV). These are things they did, but the Israelites aren't to do:

•  Have sexual relations with their family members or neighbors

•  Engage in homosexuality or have sex with animals

•  Dishonor their parents

•  Worship idols and offer their children to Molech for burnt sacrifices

These are some of the stipulations for the covenant treaty. If they do these things, God says they must be cut off—killed! The LORD wants the Israelites to turn away from their evil culture and dedicate their lives to him in righteousness. Like the Israelites, if we don't want to be influenced by our culture and receive God's discipline, we must make decisions to deal with moral issues ahead of time.

Do we want to stay clean? Then we should make commitments to not live according to our ungodly culture but to remain pure for the LORD. For despicable immoral behavior, metaphorically, the land vomited all the wicked nations out of Canaan, the Promised Land. This is another way of saying that God got sick of their wickedness and expelled them. He warns the Israelites the land will also vomit them out if they do these things. If they and any aliens among them keep the decrees of the LORD, however, they will prosper in the land of Israel(Leviticus 20:22-24) .

Likewise, if we are to stay clean before God, we must regularly read his Word to discover what pleases him and obey him. You are doing this now. Great! However, what we read needs to change us. We must not trample on the grace of God by immoral behavior because, if we do, the LORD will discipline us. We must live holy (clean) lives before our LORD to experience his blessings.

The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the Old Testament by Walvoord and Zuck, © 1985, p. 199


What are three significant things the LORD required of Israel?

If we don’t want to be influenced by our culture and receive God’s discipline, what should we do?

How do we regularly stay clean before God so we might be blessed?


Focus Verse

Leviticus 20:26 (NIV) “You are to be holy to me because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be my own.”

praying hands Write a private prayer response to today’s Bible study:

Sample Prayer

Please send your comments to me, Rod, the author

Looking Ahead: Why do we want to stay clean? Because our lives are a tribute to God. Find out what that means and how it affects each of us and our world in our next lesson.

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re-edited 2-23-22