model house cradled in hands Day 77, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Deuteronomy 12–14

SafeGuarding Our Inheritance

If a benefactor gave us a sizable inheritance, how would we safeguard it so it would remain valuable?

  • Hire a trusted property manager if we inherited land?
  • Install an alarm system if we inherited a house?
  • Place some of it into a safe deposit box if we inherited jewelry?
  • Put it into Federal Reserve notes if we inherited money?

What if we have a promised inheritance but have not yet received it—how should we behave?

Why and how should we safeguard our spiritual inheritance?

Safeguarding is for our Benefit

In today’s Bible reading, the second generation of Israelites out of Egypt is about to receive their promised inheritance, the land of Canaan. However, they need to do the will of their benefactor, God, to keep it. What does God want? God gives specific instructions for them to obey (Deuteronomy 12–26). These are similar to the stipulations of a Suzerain Treaty (see more).

Furthermore, they are to destroy and dispossess the nations, which they will soon conquer (Deuteronomy 7:2-6; 12:2-3). Why? The March 16 Bible study provides a complete answer to this question. The fundamental reason is that the occupants of the land worship idols and are evil. The LORD does not want the Israelites to serve their gods or follow their despicable practices (like offering their children for burnt sacrifices). By destroying the Canaanites, they will safeguard their inheritance.

We are God’s treasured possession

The Israelites are the LORD's treasured possession. He loves them and wants what is best for them.

Most of us are not Jewish, but the Apostle Peter says Christians are also God's treasured possession (1Peter 2:9-10). Not only this, but he has adopted us into his family. We also have received an inheritance (Ephesians 1:3-14 and 1Peter 1:3-4). Since we are God’s treasured possession, we, too, need to safeguard our legacy.

4 Ways to Keep our inheritance unspoiled

1. Worship Together

In the Promised Land of Canaan, the Israelites will not immediately have a place of worship. However, they must not worship the LORD their God in their own way and in their own place (Deuteronomy 12:4-7). Neither are they to practice worshipping God like the evil occupants of the land worship their gods. The Israelites are to bring sacrifices and offerings to a place where God chooses. There they will rejoice with thanksgiving and praise to him.

Is it important that we Christians gather together in a place of worship? Yes, if it is possible! Some believers say they will worship God in their own way at home. However, the church or worship center is where we gather with fellow believers in Christ to worship God and encourage each other (Hebrews 10:23-25).

God’s Holy Spirit has given gifts to all church members: gifts of pastors, teachers (or pastor-teachers), encouragement, helps, and other ministries (Romans 12:1-13; 1Corinthians 12; Ephesians 4:7-16). How can we exercise our spiritual gifts to help one another, encourage one another, and bear one another’s burdens if we isolate ourselves? How can we receive the help and encouragement we need? If we can attend a good Bible-believing church, we should go.

2. Be Careful who you Follow

The Israelites are also to discern those who are false prophets (Deuteronomy 13). Following them will ruin Israel’s inheritance. How are they to know who is a true prophet and who is not? They are to carefully listen to the prophet’s message and discern if it is accurate and consistent with the Word of God. If he is trying to lead them away from following the LORD, he is a false prophet.

Christians must also test the prophets. Not every preacher is a man of God. Beware: the devil disguises himself as an angel of light to deceive the people of God. It is not surprising that his messengers try to do the same (2Corinthians 11:14-15). Other tests for truth are found in the writings of 2Timothy 3:13-15 and 1John 4:1-6. Without good training in the Word of God, we can be deceived by cults. These are religions that call themselves Christian but falsely teach about God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Bible. They seem loving but enslave many with their deceptions.

3. Separate Yourself from Harmful Habits

The Israelites are also to safeguard their inheritance by separating themselves from the evils of their culture. They are to obey the law entirely and live a clean life because they are God’s holy people, his treasured possession. This even affects their diet. This is a repeated instruction originally given at Mt. Horeb in Sinai for the first generation of Israelites out of Egypt (February 19-20 Bible study).

Their specific diet may be for health reasons or prevent the Israelites from eating unclean food offered to idols. God does not want them to partake in anything related to idol worship.

This restriction on food is later removed by Jesus and the Apostle Paul (Mark 7:15-19; 1Corinthians 8). Nevertheless, since we, too, are God’s treasured possession, we must seek to please the LORD in everything, which includes our diet. Our purpose is to glorify the LORD.

4. Be generous

The Israelites also safeguard their inheritance by contributing a portion of their crops or livestock to the LORD. Each year, the Israelites are instructed to set aside a tenth of their agricultural products and their firstborn flocks and herds. Every third year they are to set aside the same type of tithe. The offerings are given for the Levites who carry on the work of the tabernacle. It is a fellowship offering of thanksgiving that the people share with the Levites, widows, orphans, and aliens in the land. If they do these things, the LORD will bless them and safeguard their inheritance.

What about us? If we Christians give some of our material goods or money to the Lord, he will return even more. Then we can continue to support his works and help others (Malachi 3:10; 2Corinthians 9:6-8). This is not a get rich scheme; God knows the intent of our hearts.

Do we know the LORD? God offers us forgiveness, peace, and spiritual life (more).

Focus Verse

Deuteronomy 14:21c, “But you are a people holy to the LORD your God.” (NIV)


As Christians, our eternal inheritance is secure, but how can we safeguard it so it will not be spoiled?

Why is it important to gather together with other Christians in church or other worship facilities?

How can we please God even with our diets? Why should we do it?

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Sample Prayer

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Looking Ahead: Our next Bible study continues the thoughts of this one. We are to Prevent Corruption from ruining our inheritance. How do we do it? Learn more in our Next Lesson.

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re-edited 3-17-21