witnesses signed on the Declaration of Independence Day 82, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Deuteronomy 29:2–32:47

Witnesses to a Covenant With God

On July 4, 1776, fifty-six men met to approve a Declaration of Independence from England. They crafted the document to separate the colonies' control from the tyranny of King George III of England. Later, when they signed it (August 2), they jeopardized their lives and fortunes. Today, other kinds of documents — general contracts, agreements, deeds, guarantees, mortgages, and other finance agreements require signatures. This makes the documents legal and binding, and they are witnesses to those who would violate them.

Our Witness

In today's Bible reading, while the Israelites are in Moab, just east of the Jordan River, the LORD enters a covenant with them. He preempts the covenant by telling them to remember how the LORD delivered them from Egypt and led them through the wilderness for over forty years. He provided food and water for them, kept their clothes and shoes from wearing out, and gave them victories over their enemies. Many second-generation Israelites were eyewitnesses to God's faithfulness. Have we seen God's faithfulness? For the benefit of the next generation, we should share it (more...).

We've covered other treaty elements and now come to the last section: witnesses to the treaty. Typically, the nation's gods are called to witness it, but the LORD doesn't do this since he alone is God. He does, however, call heaven and earth to testify to it (Deuteronomy 30:19).

God's Word and Song

The words of Deuteronomy and a song composed by the LORD also serve as witnesses to the treaty. God tells Moses to take the scroll of the book of Deuteronomy and place it beside the Ark of the Covenant, and then teach the song to the Israelites. These will serve as instructions to succeeding generations and testimonies against those who would violate the covenant.

Do we do anything to help us remember the words of the LORD? In the United States, the Ten Commandments were once posted on school walls and in courtrooms as visual reminders (witnesses) of God's holy standards. Now that the courts ordered their removal, we often have to look in our homes and churches for a witness to his covenants and works. Sunday School is one place where people rehearse God's wondrous deeds through Bible stories and songs.

What to do about the Witness

At the end of the covenant, the LORD gives the purpose for carrying out his law and asks the Israelites to make a choice (Deuteronomy 29:9, 12-13 and Deuteronomy 30:19-20). God tells them to choose life with him and obedience, so they might prosper and keep the land and his blessings.

We have a similar choice today. If we choose to live our own life apart from God, it'll be meaningless, and we'll die in our sins. However, if we decide to turn from our wrongdoings to God, we can have forgiveness, spiritual life, and peace in our souls. We can also have confidence we have an eternal home in heaven (John 1:12; 3:16; more...). Let's choose life with God and obedience, so the LORD's blessings and favor will be upon us.

God wants us to choose life with obedience and his blessings, instead of his displeasure and discipline.

What happens if we mess up? Is there no hope? Yes, there's hope. As God gives hope to Israel if she messes up, we have hope if we turn to God from our wrongdoing. The Apostle John says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1John 1:9, NIV). He will restore us once again, and we can enjoy the favor and blessings of God!

A New Witness

During this time, God chooses a new leader, Joshua. Joshua is a type of Christ. His Hebrew name means “Jehovah saves.” In the New Testament, the name “Jesus” is the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew word “Joshua.” Joshua is faithful in everything he does, as Christ would later be faithful in everything the Father gives him to do. As the LORD chose Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land of Canaan, God chose Jesus Christ, His Son to lead us into the Promised Land of heaven (John 14:1-3)

A Reminder of Our Witness

After Israel is in the land, God wants the Law to be read every seven years (probably the book of Deuteronomy). He wants this done during the Feast of Tabernacles. The Law reminds the Israelites of their commitment to the LORD, along with the blessings and curses associated with it.

They'll also sing songs God has composed. Songs are good memory tools, especially if they have a lilt to them. God's song is a testimony of his favor if they obey, and the LORD's curses upon them if they disobey. If they repent, humbly confess their sins, and follow him again, God promises to forgive them and renew his favor and blessings.

It would be beneficial for us Christians to be reminded of our commitment to the Lord and renew it periodically. What words could we put in a song to help us remember to serve the LORD?

End notes:

1. of legal agreements

2. Deuteronomy’s structure follows the Suzerainty treaty’s pattern (see index).

3. source: Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, ISBN 0-917006-03-8, p.614.

Focus Verse

Deuteronomy 31:12 (NIV)

Assemble the people-- men, women and children, and the aliens living in your towns-- so they can listen and learn to fear the LORD your God and follow carefully all the words of this law. Their children, who do not know this law, must hear it and learn to fear the LORD your God.


Although our signatures are not on paper, how can we be witnesses to the covenant we have with God?

What choice does God want us to make and why?

What do we do if we mess up?

praying hands Write a private prayer response to today’s Bible study:

Sample Prayer

Please send your comments to me, Rod, the author

Looking Ahead: Moses, the mighty leader of Israel, leaves a blessing for each of the tribes before he dies. Then, Joshua takes over as the chosen military leader to bring Israel into the Promised Land. Join us for our next lesson called, Transferring Leadership.

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