traffic exiting before hurricane Day 227, August 15 Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Ezekiel 10-13

Clinging to Vain Hopes

A category five hurricane bears down on the gulf coast, headed straight for one of the coastal or inland cities. Even though the governor orders a total evacuation, some families and individuals want to wait out the storm. They believe their homes are well-fortified.

Most of us would say, “these people are foolish; they are deceiving themselves and will be killed!”

Yet these people tell themselves lies. They say, “The weatherman does not know what he is talking about. We have always been able to weather the storms in previous years. This one will be no different.” They are clinging to vain hope.

What about us—do we ever lie to ourselves? Maybe it is our home that is about to be torn apart, or our business is almost bankrupt. The way to safety may have been offered, and we refused, although we are hanging by a thread. Where is our hope?

The leaders and people of Jerusalem at the time of King Zedekiah are clinging to vain hope. Already, Babylon has forcibly evacuated the vast majority of God’s people into exile, including the priest and prophet, Ezekiel, the royal family, and the army. They are safe in Babylon. They will not experience the last invasion that will destroy their beloved city.


The exiles resist the words of Ezekiel when he relates his vision to them. They simply cannot believe God will allow their city, their land, their friends, and their relatives to be destroyed, no matter how bad things are. Ezekiel is like a weather forecaster to whom they refuse to listen while the hurricane (Babylon) is bearing down upon their beloved city.

The people feel confident in Jerusalem’s ability to withstand Babylon because the city is well-fortified. They feel safe as a building having steel or iron gates (a modern way of expressing the phrase as “meat inside a cooking pot” Ezekiel 11:3, NIV). However, they are not safe.

Safety is found in God alone. In him are forgiveness, peace, spiritual life, and blessings. He protects those who trust him for their salvation (more...).

The Hard Truth

In a vision, Ezekiel sees God’s glorious presence leave the temple in Jerusalem. This is because the leaders of Jerusalem are always plotting wickedness and will no longer listen. And, they are continually worshipping idols, prostituting themselves before them. The LORD will soon use the army of Babylon to kill them.

Ezekiel also sees a man in splendor (possibly a manifestation of God appearing as a man, a theophany). He was previously described in Ezekiel 8:2, but is now dressed in linen (a priestly garment of humility). He is told to take burning coals from strange heavenly creatures, called Cherubim, and scatter them over Jerusalem, symbolizing the invading nation burning Jerusalem. She will soon suffer hunger and disease from Babylon’s final siege.

Those who escape the city and try to flee to the mountains will be put to the sword. God will allow the city and its inhabitants to be destroyed but will show kindness and favor to some who are taken to exile, a place of safety.

The exiles have the vain hope that Jerusalem will be spared because it is God’s city with God’s temple in it. His presence, however, leaves them and settles on the Mount of Olives, just outside the city.

It is at the Mount of Olives where Jesus will someday return. He will then spiritually and physically save all remaining Jews in the world. He will bring them back to the city, protect it, renew it, reign from it, and bring peace to it and the whole world.

But not now. Now God will destroy the city in which his people, presence, and name have dwelt for almost five hundred years.

Getting Attention

Because the Jews in Babylon believe Jerusalem will weather out the storm, the LORD once again uses object lessons to get their attention. God instructs Ezekiel to dramatize the coming exile. Perhaps, then they may see it and comprehend what is going to happen (12:3).

First, Ezekiel packs up his belongings in broad daylight so that all will see what he is going to do. Then, at night he digs a hole through the city wall and escapes through it. This action prophesies what King Zedekiah will try to do. However, Nebuchadnezzar’s army will capture him, and the king will die in Babylon.

Next, Ezekiel is to eat his last meal trembling and shuddering to show how Jerusalem will feel with the impending disaster bearing down upon them.

False Narrative

Once again, the Jewish people in Babylon resist this, saying Ezekiel is talking of judgment to come in the distant future. They choose to believe deceiving prophets and prophetesses.

The prophets give the exiles hope for the future of Jerusalem by whitewashing a flimsy wall, saying it is not a time for destruction; it is a time to build. But with a violent storm, the LORD will tear down their wall, and the people will know they, too, will be destroyed (Ezekiel 13:13 –14, NIV).

The prophetesses use magic charms and veils of various lengths to look mysterious. This causes people to think they know something. The people are deceived. The prophetesses give them what they want to hear in exchange for meager food rations, but God will do away with them for providing the people vain hope.

Real Hope

What about us? Do we cling to vain hopes? Do we listen to lies or words of comfort when we should be listening to the hard truth? Where is our hope? Is it in our talents and abilities, our health, family, assets, business, or wealth? All these things can be destroyed.

God brings real hope that we can count on. He also brings protection and renewal of heart and soul. Let’s trust him today (more...).


How do people deceive themselves into believing vain hopes, and what is the hard truth?

What device was used to try to get the attention of the exiles? How might we use it today?

Why do some preachers use false narratives, and what should we do about it?

Where do we find real hope?

Meanwhile, Jews in Jerusalem are also putting off the final warnings of Jeremiah (see Jeremiah 37:2).

In Ezekiel, King Zedekiah is referred to as the prince because he is not God’s anointed ruler.

Focus Verse

Psalm 42:5-6a (NIV) “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.”

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Looking Ahead: Israel is guilty of Ingratitude and Unfaithfulness, and this leads to discipline. How can we prevent this attitude from developing in our lives? Find out in our Next Lesson.

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