crowd of people listening Day 279, October 6 more

Meaning of the Beatitudes

Jesus taught the beatitudes to the large crowds who followed him. These series of blessings are meant to answer the question, “if following the regulations of the law and the traditions of religious leaders doesn’t make me righteous, then what does?” Jesus then describes what a blessed life looks like. “Blessed” in this context mean s happy or fortunate.

Happy or fortunate are those who are

Poor in Spirit

These people depend on the grace of God. Their own abilities are not sufficient to make them righteous, so when they call upon the Lord, he makes them righteous, and full of the riches of his grace (more...).

Those who mourn

They recognize their needs and present them to the Lord, who can comfort them. There they will find comfort and peace for their souls .

The Meek

They are gentle, humble, and unassuming in their positions, and they let God lead. “They will inherit the earth,” meaning they will serve God in his future millennial kingdom on earth.

Those Who Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness

These have a ravenous spiritual appetite to obey God’s Word. They will be filled (see Psalm 119)

The Merciful

They extend mercy and grace to others who, like us, don’t deserve it. Because God was extremely kind in saving us, we should be kind to others.

The Pure in Heart

They are clean in their hearts because of their salvation and calling upon God whenever they need cleansing of sin (more...). They will meet God personally.

The Peacemakers

These try to reconcile others to God. We show we are sons and daughters of our heavenly Father when we seek to reconcile others to him (James 5:19-20).

Those Who are Persecuted for Righteousness

They endure insults, mockery, slander, beatings, and even death for Jesus’ sake. In the end, they will receive great rewards in heaven.

Note: These beatitudes are in stark contrast to the pompous, demanding, and hypocritical ways of the religious leaders in Jesus’ day.

Insights for this page are drawn in part from Vine's Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, by W.E.Vine, M. A., Macdonald Publishing Co, ISBN 0-9170006-03-8, and by The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the N.T., edited by Walvoord and Zuck, ©1985, pp. 28-29)

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