God's Word, the Bible Day 249, September 6 Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Daniel 5; Daniel 9; Daniel 6

How is God Working in our World?

What is God doing in our world? How is he working in our nation or in our personal circumstances? These are some questions we have, and we can learn how to answer them by reading God’s Word, the Bible. We can also learn from the prophet Daniel’s example.

In today’s Bible reading, King Nebuchadnezzar has expanded and united the Babylonian empire to be the strongest in the known world. Two generations later, all that changes (more…). Now the Medes and the Persians are the powers that others will have to reckon with. This is in fulfillment of the dreams given by God to Daniel in the first and third years of King Belshazzar (September 5 Bible study; Daniel 7-8). The king had three years to repent and change the course of events.

Are any of us guilty of wickedness? Has the LORD given us time to repent? We must not delay—we should turn to God right now while there is time. Then he will be gracious to us, even if we must bear some consequences.

Learning a hard lesson

Although the Persians have besieged the city of Babylon, King Belshazzar feels secure in his thickly-walled, well-fortified city. He soon discovers, however, that he is not in control of his world.

To demonstrate his confidence and to show contempt for Israel’s God, Belshazzar has a party, a drunken orgy. For his drinking purposes, he uses golden goblets taken from the temple in Jerusalem before it was destroyed. With these, he praises his gods of gold, silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone.

Suddenly, Belshazzar sees mysterious fingers writing a message on a plaster wall opposite him. He, his guests, and his officials are terrified, and Belshazzar’s knees go weak.

What does the message mean? After his counselors fail to give him the interpretation, the queen-mother suggests he get Belteshazzar (Daniel) to help him. He formerly interpreted the dreams of King Nebuchadnezzar. “The spirit of the holy gods is in him,” she says (Daniel 5:11, NIV).

When Daniel comes and interprets the handwriting, the news is not good. The king has been weighed in God’s balances and is found lacking. Daniel tells him that although the king knew about the LORD’s judgment and mercy with Nebuchadnezzar, he still hasn’t humbled himself. That same night, the king is murdered, and his kingdom is conquered by the Medes and Persians. The LORD Almighty, not the king or any of his gods, is sovereign.

How God works in our world

Daniel is given many dreams to show that God is sovereign over all kingdoms of the earth. He works on behalf of the Jews and other world nations. How can we discern how he is working in our world?

We learned from yesterday’s lesson not to depend on dreams, but to focus on Jesus. He fulfills the prophecies in God’s Word. We should rely on God’s Word, the Bible, and notice what is going on in the world.

Daniel observes what is going on in his world. At this time in Israel’s history, she is a devastated nation. Her homeland and temple were destroyed by fire. Her people are scattered, exiled, and are now under the control of the mighty government of Persia. This new powerhouse has recently conquered Babylon.

The Jewish people are suffering for their unrepentant sin and wickedness, yet God made a seemingly impossible promise to Jeremiah. The promise was that in seventy-years, Israel would return to her land (Jeremiah 29:10).

When Daniel realizes this, he does not doubt God’s Word but is moved to pray for its fulfillment (Daniel 9:2). Daniel is a student of the Word of God. Knowing God’s Word and Israel’s situation in the world, he prays intelligently. We can do the same.


Afterward, Daniel comes to God in an attitude of humility and fear of the LORD. The prophet knows the LORD is not pleased with his people. God is righteous and holy—they are not. He pleads with the LORD by fasting, wearing sackcloth, and throwing ashes upon himself (signs of grief). He does this for both his sins and that of the nation. Daniel is humble.

Do we recognize who God is? How do we come to him when we have done wrong? Do we come in arrogance or humility? The LORD answers the prayers of those who grieve over their sins.

Then, Daniel appeals to God based on the LORD’s person and promises. Daniel appeals to him because God is mighty, gracious, merciful, and faithful to keep his covenant made so long ago to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; 17:1-8).

Do we believe God can do anything? Do we know God’s promises so we can appeal to him to keep them? The LORD wants us to ask for things that please him (Psalms 37:4).

Daniel also cares about the LORD’s name (reputation). Israel is God’s people. When others mock, beat, harass, and scorn her, his name is also defamed. Daniel begs God to quickly act on Israel’s behalf.

Do we have concern for others when we pray? Do we care about God’s reputation and character, or do we care only for our lives? (John 15:16; 1Corinthians 10:31; James 4:1-3)


The LORD answers Daniel’s prayer and gives him clarity about the future of the Jewish people. God provides a timetable to Daniel. The seventy weeks and the sixty-two weeks are understood as years until their fulfillment. For a thorough explanation of these weeks, and how they have been or will be fulfilled, go to (more…).

The point of this Scripture passage is that God hears the requests of those who are truly repentant, He is righteous, faithful, and gives his people hope. Still, there will be difficult times ahead for Israel before their complete fulfillment.

The Jews will return to their land but have future wars. Then, an anointed one (the Messiah) will come but be cut off (executed by crucifixion). After that, Herod’s reconstructed and expanded Jewish temple will be destroyed. Between the 69th and the 70th week of Daniel, a troublesome time will come. At the end of it (the Tribulation Period), the Jewish people will be saved, and the Messiah (Jesus) will return to rule and reign in Jerusalem for a thousand years. Those who are faithful followers of Jesus Christ will rule with him.

The cost and rewards of remaining faithful

When King Darius the Mede defeats Babylon and kills Belshazzar, Darius keeps Daniel in his administration. Once again, Daniel is recognized as an exceptional administrator. Because God gifted him with wisdom, and because he acts with integrity and is totally devoted to God, he protects the Jewish people under his care.

Daniel’s exalted position, however, causes jealousy among other high officials and administrators. They seek to discredit him, but Daniel is too honest and diligent. If they’re going to find anything against him, they will have to find it against the law of his God. So, the officials concoct a plan to get rid of Daniel.

The administrators appeal to the vanity of the new Persian king, Darius. They prepare a mandate for all the people of the land. They must refrain from praying to any other god except the king for thirty days.

Daniel is set up to fall into their trap. They know Daniel will only pray to his God, and he doesn’t disappoint them. He faithfully keeps his routine of praying on his knees to the true God of heaven three times a day.

The officials inform the king that someone is violating the decree! Much to the king’s dismay, Daniel is identified as one who ignores the king’s edict and continues to worship the LORD his God. For this offense, the king is bound by his unchangeable law to throw Daniel to the lions.

The plot works, but the officials’ plans are foiled. The LORD protects Daniel in the lion’s den by sending an angel to shut the mouths of the beasts. King Darius is amazed at God’s protection of Daniel.

He releases Daniel and then puts the troublemakers and their families into the lion’s den to meet their death. King Darius then makes a decree that all of the people in his part of the kingdom must fear and reverence the God of Israel. God’s name is lifted up.

Satan does not like anyone praising God or working on his behalf. The devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1Peter 5:8). But as God protected Daniel from being eaten by lions, he is also able to protect us from our adversities.

Has the LORD given us a place of prominence? This may include a position in government, but it could also include being the head of a family, team, or organization. God desires that we use our positions for his glory. There will be opposition, but he can protect us.


What hard lesson might some people have to learn like King Belshazzar?

How can we discern God’s will for our world?

In what attitude should we come to God in prayer? What pleases him?

Why are there costs for being faithful? What are some of the rewards you have experienced?

End Note: There are differing views as to the identity of Darius. His name may have been another name for Cyrus, or perhaps Darius was an appointed ruler of King Cyrus to rule over Babylon. The latter position is taken here.

Focus Verse

Daniel 6:26b-27a (NIV)

“…fear and reverence the God of Daniel. ‘For he is the living God and he endures forever; his kingdom will not be destroyed, his dominion will never end. He rescues and he saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth…’”

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Looking Ahead: Israel repents and God Answers Prayer; the Prodigal Comes Home. Here is some hope for us. Join us for our Next Lesson.

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