God on His throne Day 225, more insights

Ezekiel | Introduction | Chapter 1

Teacher Notes:

For a historical background of Ezekiel: Read the introduction to Ezekiel in the Inductive Study Bible and The Bible Knowledge Commentary of the O.T., pp. 1225 bottom and 1226 top.

Outline of Ezekiel

  • chapters 1-24 Judgment against Judah and Jerusalem - given as warnings to repent
  • chapters 25-32 Judgment against other nations - any idea why? Because they were somehow involved in hurting Israel (Judah) or not coming to its aid or plundering Israel (Judah), taking advantage of her loss.
  • chapters 33-48 Blessings on Israel - under a new watchman, a new shepherd and defender, blessings restored, repulsed attack of Gog, a new temple, worship, and a new land

Characteristics of Ezekiel

  • historical and chronological - look for dates and events throughout the book
  • prophetic, signs, symbols, visions, and apocalyptic

The Interpretation of Prophecies and Apocalyptic literature

  • Context is important
  • Double reference - mountain peaks of prophecy
  • Correlation - let similar passages lead the interpretation

Ezekiel 1 (and 10)

Show video from YouTube of the heavenly vision of the cherubim or read chapter 1

An interpretation of the vision


      • Where was Ezekiel? Answer: He was in Babylon with the rest of the exiles, a discouraged and disobedient people. Meanwhile, Jeremiah was in Jerusalem preaching to the people under the reign of Zedekiah. He tried to get the people to repent before being attacked a third time by Nebuchadnezzar and entirely destroyed by Babylon. The people didn't believe Jeremiah and had him persecuted and imprisoned part of the time.
      • How old was Ezekiel? Answer: 30. He was now old enough to enter the tabernacle or temple service (Numbers 4:3). Isaiah and Jeremiah were given heavenly visions at the beginning of their prophetic ministries (Isaiah 6 and Jeremiah 1). Now, Ezekiel is also given a vision. Interestingly, Jesus entered his ministry when he was thirty years old. A dove came from heaven with a voice proclaiming, this is my beloved Son in whom I am well-pleased.
      • The vision begins with a stormy wind coming from the north. This is significant because the wind comes from the north instead of the east. The significance of this is that Israel’s enemies (Assyria and Babylon and later Greece and, in the end, Russia) come from the north. God was going to work through Babylon for Jerusalem’s destruction.

      • What are these creatures, and what do they represent? Correlate Ezekiel 3:11-13, 23; 8:4; 9:3; 10:4,18-20; 11:22-23; Revelation 4:6-9. Answer: They represent or are always present with the glory of the LORD

The creature’s description

      -the faces: man (perhaps intelligence); eagle (swiftness); ox or calf (service animals); lion (power and strength)

      -fire: many times fire is used in the Bible for purification

      -wheels: Indicate movement (whirring wheels indicates fast action)

      -wings: flight, perhaps speed

      - the eyes (1:18; 10:12) and their importance: De. 11:2; 2Chronicles 16:9; Psalm 34:15; Proverbs 5:21; 15:3; Amos 9:8; Zechariah 4:10; 1Peter 3:12.

What does this mean?

      • for the exiles? God sees them in their distress and disobedience.
      • for Jerusalem? God sees all the evil and idolatry they are practicing.
      • for us? God sees us and all we do, good and bad. God sees wickedness, but he also sees what good we do for him.

The appearance of a man in glory (1:25-28 cp. Revelation 4)

What is the importance of this one sitting on the throne?

Answer: He is Sovereign, mighty, eternal, worthy of all praise and worship. Christians, think of that when you pray.

The possible significance of the vision

God is on the move. He sees what Jerusalem is doing. He is sovereign, just, and holy, taking action from the north (Babylon is coming).

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Edited 8-14-22