broken trust Day 43, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today's Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Exodus 32:1–33:17

Restoring Broken Trust

Leaders rely on their followers’ faith, but sometimes if plans appear to go awry or don’t seem to be moving forward, their people get impatient. There is discontent. They lose confidence in their leadership, and trust is broken. Rebels arise and begin to lead people astray. This is what happened to God and Moses. Maybe this has happened to us, or we broke someone’s trust. What do we do about it?

In today’s Bible reading, Moses is on Mt. Sinai. There God gave him written laws to govern the moral and social behavior of the Israelites. Afterward, God also laid out instructions for building the tabernacle (a portable worship center) and its furnishings. In addition, the LORD gave him designs for the special priestly garments that Aaron and his descendants were to wear. These set them apart as holy ministers before the LORD.

Israel strays from God

While Moses is away, the Israelites lose faith. Forty days ago, they saw him going up into a smoking mountain. Did he die? The people are nervous; they are in a desert and unprotected. They want God or any god to lead them, so they remove all their gold jewelry, melt them in a pot, then pour out the gold and fashion it into the shape of a calf. Then the Israelites party with an orgy in celebration of their new god.

How ironic—while God gave Moses the ten commandments, written on stone tablets by his own finger, and instructions on building a tabernacle to worship him—the Israelites turn from following the LORD to worship idols!

God’s reaction

How does God feel about this betrayal? He is furious with the Israelites (Exodus 32:7-9). He immediately cuts off the dialogue with Moses regarding plans for worship, and he disowns them. God is angry enough to destroy his people, and except for Moses’ intercession, the LORD would have done it. This is not to say that God depends on Moses’s appeal or anyone else—God acts with mercy when and upon whom he desires. Yet, he is often pleased to answer our prayers (Romans 9:18; Luke 11:9-10; James 4:2).

Moses’ reaction

Moses is a friend of God. He is not just concerned for his people’s welfare—he is also worried about the LORD’s reputation with other nations. How will it look to them if God destroys his people in the wilderness? Won’t they conclude that Israel’s God isn’t able to bring them into the Promised Land?

How much do we care about God’s glory? Do we seek his glory in our prayer times, or do our prayers concern only ourselves? Prayers for God’s glory are answered (John 14:13).

When Moses discovers how the Israelites have turned to idolatry, he is furious! Such ingratitude! How could they break their covenant so quickly by worshipping idols and committing adultery? How could they jeopardize their relationship with God and their inheritance?

When Moses saw what they were doing

His anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain [symbolizing their broken covenant]. And he took the calf they had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it (Exodus 32:19b-20, NIV).

Afterward, Moses grilled his brother Aaron; he was left in charge while Moses was on the mountain. Backed into a corner, Aaron lies to him, saying he put the people’s gold earrings into a fire and (magically) up came this calf they are worshiping. He does not mention the altar he also built for this calf idol.

Even after all this, the people are still wild and do not comprehend the severity of what they are doing. What’s wrong with a little partying? Nothing is wrong in the proper context; however, the Israelites are to be a people set apart to God in holiness (purity). Instead, they are performing shameless orgies!

The faithful tribe

Only the Levite tribe remains faithful to the LORD. Moses sends the Levites throughout the camp to exercise capital punishment upon the faithless Israelites. They kill three thousand. “The next day Moses said to the people, ‘You have committed a great sin. But now I will go up to the LORD; perhaps I can make atonement for your sin.’” (Exodus 32:30, NIV)

The people mourn their losses and their sin. They watch Moses meet with God outside the camp day by day and await their fate.

The LORD forgives the people, but as a consequence, he sends a plague to punish them for worshipping the golden calf, and then he tells them he will no longer go with them.

We might ask at this point, why wouldn’t he go with them—didn’t he really forgive them? Here is the explanation God gives to Moses: “Tell the Israelites, ‘You are a stiff-necked [stubborn, resistent] people. If I were to go with you even for a moment, I might destroy you.’” [God is Holy] (Exodus 33:5, NIV)

The Israelites feel alone, abandoned, and vulnerable. Who will help them on their way? Who will protect them? Who will lead them to the Promised Land? They messed up big time. An ancient idiom says, “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you,” but this is precisely what they did.

Have we done that? Have we lost patience with God and angered him by going our own way? Do we feel deserted? Is there any hope that God will change his mind?

Restoring trust and intercessory prayer

To restore trust and demonstrate their heart and mind change, they strip off the ornaments for worshipping the golden calf and humble themselves (Exodus 33:5-6).

The same is true of us when we have offended God—if we want his favor restored to us, we must show true repentance.

Moses intercedes for the Israelites, and God relents. Why? The LORD told Moses, “I will do the very thing you have asked [go with the Israelites] because I am pleased with you [Moses] and I know you by name” (Exodus 33:17, NIV). God knows Moses’ heart; Moses is faithful to the LORD and loves him. For that, God is merciful to the Israelites. Would God have been gracious to the Israelites, anyway? We don’t know that. Sometimes, we can be very grateful that someone with a strong relationship with the LORD is praying for us.

This is the power of prayer: If we are honest in our prayer life, humble and contrite when we sin, and we pray for mercy and seek his glory and his help, God is pleased to answer our requests. Although the LORD is holy and righteous, he understands our weaknesses and is gracious. Let’s give thanks to God! The LORD can restore broken trust. Once again, we will sense his presence going with us.

If someone has broken our trust, and we feel betrayed, God identifies with us. Although there may be a time of alienation, like God, we need to show mercy and forgiveness for genuine repentance.

A betrayal or broken trust is never easy, but God wants us to keep trusting in him. David, the Biblical hymn writer, said, Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD (Psalm 27:14)


Why did Israel stray from God? How is this similar (if it is) to the ways people move away from God today?

God was angry at Israel for her betrayal and lack of trust, and Moses felt the same way. How was the broken trust mended?

What does God want us to do about betrayal and broken trust?

Endnote: It is true the Bible states that God does not change (Malachi 3:6; Numbers 23:19), but he is still consistent with his nature— at times God judges because he is holy, and at times he forgives because he is loving and merciful. He is very patient and allows people time to turn to him from their sins (2 Peter 3:9), but if they obstinately refuse, he exercises his judgment in holiness.

Focus Verse

Luke 1:50 (NIV) “His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation.”

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Looking Ahead: When our broken relationship is healed, how do we keep A Restored Relationship? Find out in our Next Lesson.

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re-edited 2-12-22