questioning figure Day 214, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Habakkuk

Why Does God Allow Evil?

Why is there so much evil and violence in the world? Why doesn’t God do something? Since the days of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, evil has existed. Evil isn’t God’s fault. Still, we ask, why doesn’t God fix it? This question is also what the prophet Habakkuk asks God before Babylon destroys Jerusalem in 586 B.C. What he learns will help us.

Habakkuk is a prophet of the nation of Judah. He probably wrote his prophecy during the early reign of Eliakim (Jehoiakim), after the king of Egypt dethroned and exiled his brother Jehoahaz (Shallum). Although their father, King Josiah, made many spiritual reforms, his people remained evil.

When the Solution is not what we want

Habakkuk observes the wickedness and violence in his and other surrounding nations. He also sees an evil conquering nation coming from the north, which consumes all other nations in its path—Babylon. He wants to know what God is going to do about it.

In a dialogue format, God gives Habakkuk answers. The good news is the LORD will judge—he will bring justice. The bad news is that the LORD will use Babylon to do it, i.e., punish his people.

Then in effect Habakkuk responds, “Wait!” That’s not what I meant. Surely, you will not wipe out your own people! You are too righteous to destroy your people with a nation that is more unrighteous than your own.”

God replies to Habakkuk: “Write it down in stone and declare it to Judah” (Habakkuk 2:2, NIV). He assures his prophet, this’ll happen soon and in the future. Soon, Babylon will attack Judah and almost wipe her out. She will exile the survivors of Judah. God further instructs Habakkuk to be patient—Babylon will get his due punishment. God will destroy the destroyer.

In the future, a reunited Israel will face a similar threat from a nation which is referred to in the Bible as Mystery Babylon (Revelation 17:5). A mystery is something which is not yet revealed. We don’t know who this nation will be, but we know she will be like Babylon.

Is there no comfort, no hope?

Yes, there is hope. Those who won’t repent will face judgment, and our enemies will also face judgment. Babylon will conquer many nations with violence, but God will judge her. This provides some comfort to Habakkuk, Israel, and us .

Will God spare those who try to live right before Him?

“The just will live by faith.” This is one of the four similar declarations in the Bible (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38).

Here, God says to Habakkuk, “Behold, as for the proud one [referring to the king of Babylon; Habakkuk 2:5-6, NASB], His soul is not right within him; But the righteous will live by his faith.” Babylon’s leader (Nebuchadnezzar) is proud and will suffer for it, but the righteous ones will live by faith; they will experience God’s favor and blessing. We’ll see examples of this in our next lesson.

What about us? Do we want God’s favor and blessings? If so, in remorse, we must turn from our evil ways to God to escape His judgment or discipline

So what do we do in the meantime?

Knowing the certain judgment which will come upon Judah, Habakkuk prays to God: “LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy” (Habakkuk 3:2, NIV). Habakkuk knows God will not change his mind this time. Seeing Babylon’s fierce attack on other nations, he prays for God’s mercy.

God then gives Habakkuk a vision of His power in the future days, when He will deliver His people, His anointed. God has His hand of blessing on His people. He chose and anointed them, and He will deliver them.

Most of us would wish our nation could escape judgment, but God is just. We may, like Habakkuk, have to endure times of trouble from other nations. How will we escape? We can only hope to escape God’s judgment by turning from our sins to Him and praying for His mercy.

How will we endure judgment if our nation must go through it? It’s useless to complain. Instead, we should take the attitude of Habakkuk. He waits patiently for God’s prophesied judgment, although he doesn’t desire it.

The nation of Judah might lose their crops and their cattle and flocks, but Habakkuk resolves to be joyful in God His Savior. He has confidence that God will help him be on top of his troubles instead of beneath them (Habakkuk 3:16b-19). If we trust God as our Savior, we can experience the same joy during our trials. Will we decide to accept God’s will and be joyful in Him until the day He delivers?


Why Does God Allow Evil? Why doesn’t he end it?

How can we gain God's favor and escape his judgment?

How can we endure God's judgment if it must come upon our nation?

Commentators debate whether “anointed one” refers to Christ or to the future Israel. In context, in the poetic parallelism of prophecy, “anointed one” seems to refer to his people Israel. God has his hand of blessing on his people. They are chosen and anointed, and the LORD will deliver them.

Focus Verse

Habakkuk 2:4 (NASB ‘ 95) “Behold, as for the proud one, his soul is not right within him; But the righteous will live by his faith.”

praying handsWrite a private prayer response to today’s Bible study:

Sample Prayer

Please send your comments to me, Rod, the author

Looking Ahead: In our next lesson, we will see some lights in the darkness of Judah's situation— people who live by faith.

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