light in a dark forest Day 215, August 3 Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): Jeremiah 35; 2Kings 24:1-4; 2Chronicles 36:6-7; Daniel 1-2

Lights in the Darkness

Every day around the world, there’re Christians who are shining lights in the darkness of their culture.

  • Faithful mothers and fathers try to raise their children to be godly citizens in a hedonistic society ,
  • Adult children care for their aged parents, giving them honor and dignity.
  • Laborers faithfully put in an honest day’s work and provide an invaluable resource.
  • Pastors and other church workers minister faithfully to the needs of their church, reach out to their community, and share the gospel, giving hope and love.
  • Christians serve in the medical field, fire, police, ambulance, and other community services, They bring help, encouragement, and safety to those who are sick, injured, or in danger.
  • Christians serve in the military to keep our nation safe and make it possible to keep our freedom for the expression of our religion.

In these instances and many others, there're faithful people, even in dark, sinful cultures.

Up to this point in our Bible studies in Jeremiah, we have seen Israel and Judah as obstinate nations who refused to repent. In today’s Bible reading, however, the Recabites, Daniel, and his three Hebrew friends are shining lights in the darkness of their times.

The Recabites

The Recabites are a nomadic people, meaning they live in tents with no permanent dwelling place. Like other nations, they also face the threat of a Babylonian invasion. Instead of fleeing to an ungodly country like Egypt for their protection, however, they seek refuge in Jerusalem, the city of God.

The Recabites are a godly people, seeking to obey all the instructions of their forefather, who was a righteous man. They’re shining lights and serve as an example to the people of Judah. If the Israelites (Judah) had obeyed God as the Recabites obey their forefather, the LORD would protect them. God is pleased to bless those who are examples of godly obedience. The LORD rewards the Recabites for their faithfulness.

But Judah doesn’t follow the example of the Recabites. Nebuchadnezzar attacks Jerusalem and carries away King Jehoiakim, some articles of the temple, and the most excellent young men of Judah (princes and other nobility). Among these refugees are Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. The chief official gave them Babylonian names: to Daniel he gave the name Belteshazzar; to Hananiah, Shadrach; to Mishael, Meshach; and to Azariah, Abednego (Daniel 1:7).

Daniel and his Friends

Daniel and his three young friends become shining lights in the dark culture of Babylon. The Babylonians worship many gods, and they prize their strength, wisdom, and understanding of mystical things (see Habakkuk 1and Daniel 1).

Because they are Jewish, Daniel boldly negotiates a better diet with the guard placed over them. The young men don’t want to eat defiled meat, knowing it displeases the LORD; it violates his dietary laws. And because they seek to obey God rather than men, the LORD blesses them with greater health than all the other youth. The LORD also gives them surpassing wisdom and understanding, and to Daniel he grants the ability to interpret dreams.

In Nebuchadnezzar’s second year as king of Babylon, he has a troubling dream. He demands his wise men and fortune-tellers interpret the dream for him, but the king refuses to help them by telling them what it is. When no one steps forward with an interpretation, he issues an edict to kill all the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, astrologers, and wise men in the kingdom, including Daniel and his three friends. Concerned, Daniel seeks an audience with the king to interpret his dream. He and his friends pray fervently that night, and the LORD reveals the dream and its interpretation to Daniel.

After Daniel gives praise and thanksgiving to God for revealing the dream, immediately the officials bring him before the king.

The king asked Daniel (also called Belteshazzar), “Are you able to tell me what I saw in my dream and interpret it?”

Daniel replied, “No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries” (Daniel 2:26-28a, NIV).

Daniel rightly reveals and interprets the dream to the king (see Daniel 2:31-45 for the interpretation). Afterward, Nebuchadnezzar is in awe and seeks to give Daniel the credit. The young interpreter will have none of it, however—he gives glory to God, the revealer of dreams. For this, the LORD rewards him with honor, and the king places he and his friends in prominent positions in the kingdom. This is God’s grace, because they rule all the people with kindness and wisdom, including the exiles from Israel and Judah,

Daniel remains in the Babylonian government for the entire seventy years of Jewish captivity. He and his friends show the Babylonians who the true God is, and they are lights in a dark place. They help preserve their national Jewish heritage.

We can be Lights

If we are willing to live a good lives of integrity and righteousness, we can serve as lights in dark places. We can share the light of the gospel (more...) to give hope to the oppressed and a testimony of God to our community. Are we sharing the light?

End Notes: The nation of Judah is called Israel after Assyria exiles the nation because Judah was one of the sons of Jacob (Israel)

For more insights into the miraculous preservation of the Jewish people through the ages, visit this website.

note: The three wise men who will later come to visit Jesus Christ as a baby are from the east, perhaps from the area of Babylon.

Take-Away Lessons

  • Those who are shining lights often expose the darkness of their culture and aren't popular. God, however, is their strength and protection.
  • God is pleased to bless those who are good examples of godly obedience in their cultures.
  • Let's live such good lives of integrity and righteousness we can serve as lights of hope in dark places. Let's share the glorious light of salvation with those the LORD puts in our path.

Focus Verse

Psalm 4:6 (NIV) “Many are asking, ‘Who can show us any good?’ Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD.”

praying hands Write a private prayer response to today’s Bible study:

Sample Prayer

Please send your comments to me, Rod, the author

Looking Ahead: What can we learn from the last warnings God gives the nation of Judah before Babylon attacks? Find out in our next lesson.

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re-edited 1-17-23