Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (NIV) (use your browser arrow to return): Psalms 118, 129, 148–150
Strike up the band! Celebrate! Let’s have a parade! Start the party and bring out the food! Sing and dance!
What makes us want to celebrate? Some just like to party, but most of us are exuberant over something outstanding that seemed impossible. We laugh, sing, and praise God! After all, didn’t he give us the victories?
God keeps his word
The Jewish people from Jerusalem had been in exile in Babylon. God said through the prophet Jeremiah after seventy-years, he would bring them back to the land of Israel
(Jeremiah 29:10).
God even named King Cyrus as the one who would issue the decree 150 years before he took the throne
(Isaiah 44:28). And then the humanly impossible happened — the prophecy be came a reality — Cyrus allowed them to return to their land!
Is it normal for conquered people to return to their homeland? No. What grace God gave upon his people! He forgave their sins, and then, through a decree of King Cyrus, he provided a way for them to return to the land and build their temple! He sent the Jewish people home with all the supplies and money they would need for those tasks. All along the way, the LORD was their defender and protector.
Although only 49,000 Jews and their servants returned to the land, God protected them from their hostile neighbors. In an ironic twist, King Cyrus ordered the nations who looted the country of Judah when Babylon destroyed her to provide all she needed to rebuild her temple and city. They were also to provide large quantities of sheep and cattle. This was so she might sacrifice to her great God. Our Creator has a sense of humor.
After the Jews got back to their land, they built temporary dwellings. Then they gathered to Jerusalem to erect an altar to God. Although they feared their neighbors, they acted in faith; they sacrificed to God in worship and made plans for the rebuilding of the temple. As the workers laid the foundation, the Jews held a celebration, and God was pleased.
A little while later, however, their neighbors frustrated their efforts. They discouraged the Israelites and made them fear continuing, and so the work stopped. The Jews gave into fear and forgot God’s Almighty power.
Help to overcome fear
God wasn’t happy — they were building their own dwellings, yet dishonoring him by neglecting his house (the temple). Because of this, the LORD no longer blessed their crops or brought them prosperity. Instead, he sent them drought and famine. He sent the prophets Haggai and Zechariah, who urged them to repent, return, rise, and rebuild the temple.
The people listened and repented. God forgave their sins, they resumed their work, and God restored his favor to them.
God defends his people
Once again, opposition came from their enemies. The rulers of the Trans-Euphrates area (part of which included the land of Israel) sent a letter to King Darius to check out Israel’s permits. Were they allowed to rebuild, or were Israel’s claims false?
After much searching, they found the decree of Cyrus in the archives. Then, not only did Darius confirm the edict to rebuild, but he also ordered the people in the region to leave the Jews alone. This they were to do after they provided all that the Jews would need to complete their project. Once again, the trouble they sought to make for the Jews came back upon them.
God was the protector and defender of the Jewish people. Within just a couple of years, the temple was complete, and it was time to celebrate! Some Bible scholars say these Psalms may have been written during this time.
Psalm 118 is a praise Psalm. It is a popular song referred to or sung on many occasions
(more...). Some verses in Psalm 118 refer to the ministry of Jesus Christ — the time when Jesus would ride into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey as the people scattered palm branches before him and proclaimd him king (vs. 26-27). We celebrate this day as Palm Sunday.
Has the LORD worked in marvelous ways in our lives? Has he forgiven our sins and blessed us? (more...) Does God defend us against our enemies? Has he provided all we need? Why not celebrate the occasion? Why not sing his praise? Strike up the band!
Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness.
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet; praise him with the harp and lyre.
Praise him with tambourine and dancing, praise him with the strings and flute.
Praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD. (Psalm 150)
What had God done that caused the Jewish people to praise their God? What has he done in our lives? Be specific and give him praise.
How did the LORD keep his word to the Jewish people? How has he kept his word to us? Be specific again and give him praise.
Has God ever come to our defense? How? Tell us about it.
Focus Verses
1Peter 2:9-10 (NIV)
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.