Final instructions shared with friends or colleages Day 308, Chronological Bible Study

Timeline. Map. Go to today’s Bible reading (use your browser arrow to return): John 15–17; Mark 14:32-42; Matthew 26:36-46; Luke 22:39-46

Last Instructions

If you knew you were going to die in less than a week, what would you do? Cry? Perhaps, but what could you do for those who are left after you are gone? You might gather your family and friends together or your business associates and give them encouragement and some last instructions. Jesus left many final instructions before he died.

In today’s Bible reading, Jesus and his disciples have finished the Passover meal. They are back on the Mount of Olives, their favorite place to retire after long ministry days.

Knowing that his arrest can happen at any moment and that his disciples will scatter, Jesus leaves them last instructions.

  • Remain in me. Jesus urges them to continue obeying his teachings. Their ministries will be blessed if they do, just as branches remaining in a vine are fruitful.
  • Love one another. After Jesus dies, resurrects himself (he is God), and one month later returns to heaven, the disciples might be tempted to separate and go out on their own. But, like Jesus washed their feet, serving one another will help them stay together and support each other (see yesterday’s Bible study).
  • Be one in mind and spirit and remain faithful to him. If they do this, they will be fruitful in their endeavors.

Jesus then warns his disciples that they will be hated even as he is hated. However, they must still testify about him because they have been with him from the beginning. Are you one of his followers? Jesus wants you to testify to what God has done in your life, even if you, too, are hated. The world needs Jesus!

Comfort from the Holy Spirit

The disciples are filled with grief as the Lord speaks of his departure, so he gives them the good news—he is sending them the Holy Spirit from the presence of God the Father. He will be their Comforter and Counselor in Jesus’ absence. He will be with them and teach them everything they need to know. They will not feel orphaned. They will draw confidence from the Holy Spirit and have incredible power to accomplish all that God desires.

Jesus prays for them and you

After comforting the disciples, Jesus prays for them in what is commonly referred to as the Lord’s High-Priestly Prayer (John 17). It is so-called because it is an intercessory prayer. Jesus prays first for himself because his departure is near. He longs to be in heaven with his Father again. It is an intimate prayer.

After this, Jesus intercedes for his disciples and those who would believe in their message for salvation. He has invested in his disciples for three years (Judas Iscariot left them). Then, Jesus prays for all present and future believers. He asks God to protect them from Satan, their most formidable foe. He seeks to destroy God’s servants and their ministries (John 17:9, 11, 15, 17, 20-21, 24, and 26).

Next, Jesus prays that God will make us more sanctified (set apart unto him) through his truth. As you read God’s Word daily and follow these Bible studies, you will grow to be more wholly set apart to God like Jesus.

Last, the Lord prays to his Father to make us one with himself, to be with him someday and see his glory, and to give us the same love he has for his Son. Wow! It is humbling and amazing that the Son of God would pray to God the Father for us! And he prays that we could have the same love God has for his Son and see God’s glory! (no human could see it and live). That is almost too much to fathom—when we are adopted into God’s family, we share in Jesus’ inheritance.

Last, Jesus knows we will face difficulties in this life, so he prays for his disciples and us. We will have trials and persecutions in this life, but we can have peace and joy in him. Jesus had victory over death (John 16:33), and so, if they kill our bodies, they will not destroy our souls (Matthew 10:22-28).

In the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives, Jesus suffers terribly in his Spirit. He is in such distress that his sweat is like big drops of blood. Why is he in such a state? Is it because the Lord is awaiting suffering and death? Maybe. Is it because he will take upon himself the sin of the whole world? Perhaps. But Jesus also suffers because he is anticipating separation from God, his Father. They are closer than spouses, best friends, or even a mother and child.

Jesus came from the essence of God himself in a way we cannot understand. He was with God the Father and the Holy Spirit in glory for eternity. But in God’s great love and grace, Jesus set aside his glory and came to earth in the flesh to live as a man (John 1:14; Philippians 2:5-8).

Now Jesus is going to die and somehow God will separate himself from his Son. Why? Because God is holy and cannot look upon sin, he must turn his back on his own Son, as Jesus takes the sins of the world upon himself. Jesus can’t bear being separated from his heavenly Father. He cries out to him. God hears the cries of his Son in the garden and sends an angel to strengthen him. However, God’s plan is to have him suffer and die in our place so he might save us from our sins. As difficult as it is, Jesus submits himself to his Father’s plans.

God’s plans for us are not always easy. We may experience pain, suffering, and hardships. We may cry out, and God will hear, but he may not deliver us if we suffer for our sins, his glory, or for the gospel. Will we submit ourselves to his plans, even when we don’t understand why God would do this? This should be our prayer.

Jesus’ last instructions are for the disciples to watch and pray lest they enter into temptation. What kind of temptation is Jesus talking about? He is talking about the temptation to scatter and deny him when persecution comes. Persecution will come for them (recorded in the book of Acts and other church histories), and persecution will come for us. Will we watch and pray or succumb to the world’s temptations for comfort and convenience? Will we betray Christ, who gave his life for us?

What if we mess up? There is hope for those who mess up (see our Next Lesson).


What final instructions did Jesus leave his disciples?

Why is the coming of the Holy Spirit comforting?

What did Jesus pray for us, and how might Jesus' last instructions apply to us?

Focus Verses

John 15:9-11 (NIV)

As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.


Watch this video of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (begin at 2:39 and end at 4:17)

praying hands Write a private prayer response to today’s Bible study:

Sample Prayer

Please send your comments to me

Looking Ahead: After Jesus prepares his disciples for his death, he is betrayed by Judas Iscariot. How does he respond? How should we respond to Betrayal. Find out in our Next Lesson.

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re-edited 4-13-22